Group of Transdisciplinary Studies in Education on Health and Environment


Group of Transdisciplinary Studies in Education on Health and Environment

Leaders: Virginia Torres Schall and Celina Maria Modena

Focus: Dengue, Leishmaniasis, Cancer, Hanseniasis, Human Health, Chagas disease, Schistosomiasis, Malaria, Tuberculosis and Climate Change.

Mission: To develop researches in health education and evaluation of alternatives to the control of vectors of Schistosomiasis and Dengue, through natural products and technology innovations, also performing activities of teaching, developing and assessing educational materials and strategies related to the prevention of diseases and the promotion of health, with emphasis in the public participation in attended areas. The group is also dedicated to the development of Human Resources for the activities of teaching and education.

Lines of Research:

  • Analysis and development of strategies of Cancer care;
  • Evaluation of plants with molluscicidal action;
  • Evaluation of educational programs integrated to diseases control;
  • Evaluation of quality in Public Health Education;
  • Scientific dissemination about health for students, teachers, and health professionals;
  • Health Education and community participation in the prevention and control of diseases, and promotion of health;
  • Epidemiology and control of leishmaniasis;
  • Climate changes, health and education;
  • Processes of Care and Health Education for
  • Processos de Atenção e Educação em Saúde para a Hanseniasis;
  • Health, media and meaning producing;
  • Teenager sexuality.

Human Resources:

Carina Margonari de Souza
Maria José Nogueira
Celina Maria Modena
Martin Johannes Enk
Cristiano Lara Massara
Omar dos Santos Carvalho
Dener Carlos dos Reis
Tatiana Chama Borges Luz
Joao Bosco Jardim
Ulisses Eugenio Cavalcanti Confalonieri
Maria Cecília Pinto Diniz
Virginia Torres Schall

Adryene Milanez Rezende
Júlia Alves Menezes
Alberto Mesaque Martins
Leonardo Cançado Monteiro Savassi
Denise Nacif Pimenta
Márcia Rodrigues Daian
Eloísa Helena de Lima
Mariana de Queiroz Bertelli
Gláucia de Fátima Batista
Sonia Maria Figueira Mano
Helena Maria Campos
Suellen Santos Lima de Almeida
Héliton da Silva Barros
Taís Rocha Figueira
Heloisa de Carvalho Torres
Viviane Helena de França
Ivanete Milagres Presot

Aline de Fátima Sodré
Camilla Ribeiro Nery
Cláudia Gersen Alvarenga de Paiva
Isabela de Brito Ferreira
Poliana da Silva Pedro
Valéria Lima Falcão
Walleska de Rezende Modena Barcelos Goes