Viral Diseases Immunology


Viral Diseases Immunology

Focus: Virus – Herpes type 1, Influenza, Dengue, RSV, Virus of Saint Louis encephalitis.

Mission: To study the immune responde of the host infected by different viruses. The group is also dedicated to the development of human resources for the activities of teaching and research.

Lines of Research:

  • Development of Vaccine against Dengue and Influenza, and use of viral and adjuvants vectors  in vaccines against cancer or neglected diseases.
  • Innate and acquired immunity in infections by herpes simplex virus type 1, Dengue virus, Adenovirus, Vaccinia virus and Influenza.

Human Resources:

Alexandre de Magalhaes Vieira Machado
Graciela Kunrath Lima
Erna Geessien Kroon
Jaquelline Germano de Oliveira
Flávio Guimarães da Fonseca
Marco Antônio da Silva Campos
Giliane de Souza Trindade
Ricardo Tostes Gazzinelli

Beatriz Senra Ãlvares da Silva Santos
Natália Lima Pessoa
Bruna Pizziolo Coura
Natália Lucinda
Fernanda Trindade Madeira Araújo

Clécia de Oliveira Almeida Vieira