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  is a communication channel created for citizens. So questions, suggestions and information can and should be sent using the form below. According the guidelines of Access to Law Information (LAI), the deadline for responses is 20 days, renewable for another 10 days, if necessary.

Common questions:

1 – How can I intern at Fiocruz Minas?

Fiocruz admits trainees of undergraduate and high school courses. For information on the areas of coverage and workload, see the Opportunities page on this site.

To learn more, visit the pages of each program:

Scientific InitiationEducation | Fiocruz Minas – English version

2 – How can I graduate at Fiocruz Minas?

The René Rachou Research Center has two Graduate Programs strict sense recommended by the Higher Education Personnel Training Coordination (Capes, in portuguese) – Health Sciences and Public Health – both with the Academic Master’s and Doctorate.
To learn more, visit the pages of each program:

Education | Fiocruz Minas – English version

Graduate in Public Health

3 – What form of ticket at Fiocruz?

Since the promulgation of the 1988 Constitution, to public office providing a call for tender is required. Therefore, to become an employee of Fiocruz you need to do a public selection. The last was in 2010, which to fill 850 vacancies.


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